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"Josh McGlasson, as Pentheus the tragic hero of the piece, is authoritative and eloquent at every moment – becoming even more so as he is gradually unsexed and sent into plaintive narcotic helplessness." - Michael Meigs, from

"The Bacchae" review. Austin Live Theatre, Nov 16th, 2008

Joshua Lane McGlasson


"Josh is an all round theatre person – able to perform both as a theatre technician, and on stage.  Because he understands the actor’s process, he is patient and able to help performers when he’s working behind the scenes." - Shelby Brammer. Former Drama Department Chair, Austin Community College

"I first met Josh, in the early fall of 2008, as I was directing Euripides’ Bacchae at Austin Community College.  Josh auditioned for the role of Pentheus.  I was impressed with his selection of material and handling of classical language, but weary of his current Stage Management duties to the present ACC production.  However, I soon understood Josh to be an extremely committed and hard working individual of many talents, both on and back stage. He executed the full extent of his SM duties with success, as well as contributed brilliantly to our Bacchae rehearsals.  In addition, Josh went on to receive a coveted Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Nomination for his work as Pentheus." - Arthur Adair. Director "Eurpidies' Bacchae". Austin Community College

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